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"Pet Fountains & Litter Boxes." :-)

Hi, there! I posted on my Sycamore Creek Pets Hide and Seek on Facebook today a post below:

All of these are awesome. Last year I saw this small pink kids pool at Toys R Us for $6.00 and I thought this will be so cute in my pink loft for the cats as a litter box. I had no idea if they would go in it but I also had no doubt that they wouldn't. :-) So, as it worked out I also have the following boxes below. Tomorrow is our cleaning day so we take unscented wet wipes and we wipe the sides of the litter beach pool and all the other boxes. We change the litter boxes 3 times per day because of choice. How many times is needed probably two. They Love it, I mean if you were a cat, wouldn't you like space? I have plans to get another blue pool for convenance and fun, easy to slide out if guests comes or wash out with the hose too but doesn't need it so often as I have so many options for the cats to choose from. I never smell anything anywhere in the house unless maybe a cat has had an occasional digestive day due to food or something. I say chicken and pumpkin and no more worries there. :-) Oh, the reason that I have opted to have the other sizes is that number one, we have been doing a lot of cat behavior modification lately introducing them to one another as they are all rescues and the seniority thing you know how it goes. So, in other words, what was happening that doesn't happen anymore is one cat would corner another cat in one type of cat box, lets say the one with the cover on it in the laundry room. Well, so we added more. Never problem with the pools. Then, the deep bucket one was for my newest cat that came to us with digestive problems and would toss all the sand out as an activity for himself. Plus he had diarrhea everyday which is now all settled. I don't want to scratch the wood floor so I like something under the other shallow boxes, so you get the point. The ultimate for us is that we have this closet door downstairs that slides so they don't try to trap each other. All cats are comfortable with the current types of boxes and space including privacy, its obvious. :-) So, in conclusion, I am happy with the results and feel a great peace of mind knowing they get along.

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